Technical SEO Mastery: Advanced Strategies for Website Performance and Indexability

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is not a single tactic but rather a collection of methods that, when combined, produce a highly functional website. One such component is technical search engine optimisation (SEO), which improves a site’s underlying code and infrastructure.

You need to use technical SEO strategies like ensuring your site loads quickly, has all the features users need, and is easy to navigate if you want people to find it through search engines. Below, we’ve laid out all the technical SEO strategies your site needs to succeed.


  • Activate SSL

The “Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL) protocol allows a web browser and a server to establish encrypted connections. To put it briefly, it offers an extra degree of security to safeguard website visitors.

SSL is in use if you’ve ever visited a website and seen “HTTPS” before the URL. You do not want to see a “Not Secure” label next to the URL if your website does not use SSL. By warning users that visiting websites without a security certificate may result in a “Not Secure” label and lower search engine rankings, Google Chrome and other browsers have once again highlighted the significance of SSL. Installing an SSL certificate on your website and moving to the secure HTTPS version is the answer.

  • Choose Your Favourite Domain Name

Setting a preferred domain is another technical SEO strategy. Selecting the www or non-www version of your domain is the norm here. You’d like visitors who enter either the www or non-www version of your site’s address to be redirected to your preferred domain. That way, whether or not they use the “www.” prefix, they will still reach the root domain (and the proper version of your site).

You used to be able to do this in Google Search Console, but the company has since removed the option because it can now select the preferred domain automatically based on several factors. Even so, it pays to be familiar with this feature and how it operates on your webpage. For outstanding outcomes, maximise your web presence with affordable SEO packages.

  • Put an end to 404s and broken links.

Even after removing a page or post from your archive, search engines will still find your URL. If you’ve shared this outdated link on social media, in a guest article, or via email, others can access it.

Without a new URL, these users will see a 404-page saying the content they seek doesn’t exist. A 301 redirect is a method of permanently changing the destination of a link.

Resolving broken links is preferable because it prevents visitors from leaving your site in search of a solution to the 404 error they encountered. You can always send users to another relevant page if you want to prevent users from immediately going to your site.

  • Faster Page Loading Times

If a website takes a long time to load, you may have experienced slow site speed. No wonder you left this website if it took too long to load.

Over 40% of site visitors leave if pages take too long to load. Therefore, web admins must prioritise fast page loads. You can speed up your site by reducing HTTP requests, redirects, and large file compression. Fixing these issues should speed up your site immediately.

  • Better URL Organisation

A simple, clean URL structure makes it easier for users and search engines to crawl and index your site. Neither search engines nor users are likely to understand your URLs if their “buckets” (such as “/seothings/technical/info”) or individual URLs (such as “/technicalseoinfo20-facts”) make no sense.

A more user-friendly approach would be to group similar pages (e.g., “/service/seo”, “/service/facebook-ads”, etc.) and use descriptive URLs (e.g., “10-best-seo-tips”) rather than relying on deep-level navigation. Create a primary “Services” tab with a dropdown menu for individual services to make these articles easy to find in the menu structure of your website.

  • Repudiate Unwanted Links

Toxic backlinks to your site may appear for no apparent reason. Online scams and spam are a reality, unfortunately. You can then disavow those links to prevent them from hurting your search engine rankings.

To prevent search engines from penalising your site for having links to or from spam websites, you can use Google Search Console to generate a “disavow” file. When you’re done, Google will add a “nofollow” tag so they no longer count towards your link popularity score. Maintaining your site’s authority requires regular use of this technical SEO strategy.

  • Markup your data structures

You can employ structured data markup (or “schema”) to improve search engine comprehension and display of your content. You can use various schema on your site to describe its contents to visitors and encourage them to click on your results in search engines.

It suggests incorporating structured data markup into your site to improve search results for existing content and draw in new visitors.

  • Eliminate Redundant Information

Duplicate content occurs when multiple website pages contain the same information. If your site has duplicate content, Google won’t know which to rank higher. This may lower your site’s organic traffic and rankings.

To find instances of duplicate content, you can use detection tools. After locating the copies, you must select one for the first copy and others for revision. Most pages should have original information, not recycled from another place.

If two pages on your site contain identical information, you can tell search engines to prioritise one by including the rel=”canonical” tag in its HTML source code.

  • Correct “Orphaned” Pages

Without any other links to it, your site’s “orphaned” pages make it impossible for visitors to find their way around. You can have them appear in search results and direct users there, but they will need help finding it. Unlinked pages on your site message search engines that the information there needs to be more important. 


Depending on your website type, the technical SEO tactics you use will differ significantly; however, the ones listed above are only the beginning. A thorough technical SEO audit is the best way to determine the technical state of your site and create a plan for future development.

If you want your website to perform better in organic search results, the best SEO Company in India can perform an audit and make the necessary adjustments. Take advantage of site visitors and sales by paying attention to technical SEO.

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