Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi 2023 | रक्षाबंधन पर अनमोल सुविचार

Today we have brought for you “Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi” which you will like very much. As you all know that Raksha Bandhan is such a big festival for us, it is a holy festival which strengthens the brother-sister relationship, today we have brought some Raksha Bandhan quotes for you on this. These quotes are short, you will also find long quotes on our site. So let’s start Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes in English & Hindi –

Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes in English

"A bond as pure as a Rakhi, a love as deep as the ocean."
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"Siblings by chance, friends by choice."
"On this Raksha Bandhan, let's celebrate the beautiful bond we share."
"Life is beautiful because of the love between siblings."
"No matter the distance, our bond remains strong."
"A brother is a friend given by nature."
"Rakhi is a thread that binds two souls in a bond of joy forever."
"Sisters are like stars, they make even the darkest nights shine."
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"Even though we fight, the love between us is unbeatable."
"Raksha Bandhan: A day to cherish the memories and make new ones."
"Having a brother/sister means having a friend for life."
"Family ties are precious threads that no one can break."

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"In the book of life, siblings are the most important chapters."
"Rakhi is not just a thread, it's a symbol of our unbreakable bond."
"Siblings: The only enemy you can't live without."
"Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet."
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"A sister is both your mirror and your opposite."
"Raksha Bandhan reminds us of the love that holds our family together."
"The best thing about having a sister/brother is sharing your childhood memories."
"Siblings complete the puzzle of your life."
"Rakhi is the thread of love that ties our hearts together."
"Through thick and thin, siblings stand by each other."
"A sibling is a lifelong friend that you never outgrow."
"Raksha Bandhan: A day to express gratitude for the support and protection."
"The bond between siblings is extraordinary, it's laughter, fights, and endless love."

Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes For Brother

"To my protector and confidant, Happy Raksha Bandhan, dear brother."
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"Bound by love, blessed by a bond – Happy Rakhi, my brother."
"A brother's love, a lifelong shield. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"Through thick and thin, you've been my kin. Happy Rakhi, brother."
"From fights to laughter, we've shared it all. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"Rakhi threads and sibling dreams, Happy Raksha Bandhan, it seems."
"Distance may be there, but love's always near. Happy Rakhi, dear brother."
"Brothers are superheroes in disguise. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"You've been my partner in crime and my guide. Happy Rakhi, dear brother."
"Rakhi is a reminder of the love we share. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"Brother, my protector, my forever friend. Happy Rakhi to you!"
"May our bond keep growing with time. Happy Raksha Bandhan, dear brother."

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"In this beautiful thread, our love is woven. Happy Rakhi!"
"Though miles apart, our bond stays strong. Happy Raksha Bandhan, brother."
"You've always been my strength. Happy Rakhi, dear brother."
"With each Rakhi, our bond gets stronger. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"Through laughter and tears, you've always been there. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"Having you as a brother is a blessing beyond measure. Happy Rakhi!"
"From sharing toys to sharing dreams – Happy Raksha Bandhan, my brother."
"A brother's love is a lifelong treasure. Happy Rakhi!"
"With every Rakhi, our bond deepens. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"Having you as a brother completes me. Happy Rakhi!"
"You're not just a brother; you're my best friend. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"No matter what, you're in my heart. Happy Rakhi, dear brother."
"Raksha Bandhan celebrates our special connection. Happy Rakhi!"

Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes For Sister

"To my first friend and forever sister, Happy Raksha Bandhan."
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"Sisters are like stars, always shining bright. Happy Rakhi!"
"Through thick and thin, you've been my kin. Happy Raksha Bandhan, sis!"
"Rakhi is a thread of love that binds us together. Happy Rakhi, dear sister."
"From childhood giggles to grown-up talks, Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"You're not just a sister, you're my confidant. Happy Rakhi!"
"With every Rakhi, our bond gets stronger. Happy Raksha Bandhan, sis."
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"In the tapestry of life, you're my favorite thread. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"Sisters by heart, friends by choice. Happy Rakhi!"
"From sharing secrets to sharing dreams – Happy Rakhi, dear sister."
"Distance may be there, but our love knows no bounds. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"

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"A sister's love is a forever gift. Happy Rakhi!"
"You're the melody in my life's song. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"Sisters are like flowers, adding beauty to life. Happy Rakhi!"
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"Sisterhood is a bond that time can't unravel. Happy Rakhi!"
"In this thread of love, our memories are woven. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"You're not just a sister; you're my guardian angel. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"With every Rakhi, our connection deepens. Happy Rakhi, dear sister."
"Having you as a sister completes me. Happy Raksha Bandhan!"
"From fights to laughter, we've shared it all. Happy Raksha Bandhan, sis!"

Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes in Hindi

"भाई-बहन के बीच का बंधन प्यार और यादों का एक मिश्रण है। हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन!"
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"राखी सिर्फ एक धागा नहीं है, यह हमारे अटूट बंधन का प्रतीक है।"
"भाई-बहन: बचपन का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा जो कभी खो नहीं सकता। हैप्पी राखी!"
"इस राखी पर, आइए एकजुटता की खूबसूरत यात्रा का जश्न मनाएं।"
"रक्षा बंधन हमारे द्वारा साझा किए जाने वाले प्यार, हमारे द्वारा संजोई गई यादों की याद दिलाता है।"
"राखी का धागा सिर्फ एक परंपरा से कहीं अधिक है; यह सुरक्षा का वादा है।"
"उतार-चढ़ाव के माध्यम से, हमारा बंधन और मजबूत होता है। हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन!"
"जीवन की यात्रा में भाई-बहन सबसे अच्छे साथी हैं। हैप्पी राखी!"
Raksha Bandhan Short Quotes In English & Hindi

"राखी भाई-बहनों के बीच अनूठे और अपूरणीय बंधन का उत्सव है।"
"दूरियां हमारे साझा प्यार को कम नहीं कर सकतीं। हैप्पी रक्षाबंधन!"
"भाई प्रकृति द्वारा दिया गया मित्र होता है। मेरे प्यारे भाई को राखी की शुभकामनाएँ!"
"बहनें सितारों की तरह हैं, हमेशा हमारा मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए मौजूद रहती हैं। हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन!"
"रक्षा बंधन: जहां यादें और प्यार एक साथ बंधे हैं।"
"एक बहन आपका दर्पण और विपरीत दोनों होती है। मेरी अद्भुत बहन को हैप्पी राखी!"
"भाई-बहन के बीच का प्यार एक ऐसी यात्रा है जो जीवन भर चलती है। हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन!"
"जीवन की किताब में, भाई-बहन सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अध्याय हैं। हैप्पी राखी!"

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"राखी एक ऐसा धागा है जो हमारे दिलों को बांधता है, चाहे कितनी भी दूरी क्यों न हो।"
"भाई-बहन का प्यार दोस्ती और परिवार का मिश्रण है। हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन!"
"रक्षा बंधन भाई-बहन होने के आशीर्वाद का जश्न मनाने का दिन है।"
"भाई-बहन: वे जो आपको किसी और से बेहतर जानते हैं। हैप्पी राखी!"
"राखी हर सुख-दुख में एक-दूसरे के साथ खड़े रहने का वादा है।"
"भाई-बहन का प्यार एक ख़ज़ाना है जो समय के साथ बढ़ता ही जाता है। हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन!"
"इस राखी पर, आइए हमारे द्वारा साझा किए गए खूबसूरत पलों को संजोएं।"
"राखी का धागा प्यार और यादों के धागों से बुना गया है।"

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