Hurricane Preparation: Safeguarding Lives and Property


Hurricanes are one of the most violent natural disasters that are capable of crippling many communities, structures and even the landscape. The effects of climate change especially on the weather have an implication of hurricanes’ frequency and intensity increasing in the future. It is therefore critical to do proper planning on how to protect individuals and property during a hurricane.

This paper aims at discussing hurricane preparations, the precautionary measures that one needs to undertake before a hurricane hits the society, and the parts that the society and government play in preparing for a hurricane.

Preparation plays an important role of mitigating the effect of Hurricanes

It is important to prepare against hurricanes particularly with a view of reducing the risk of loss of lives and property in cases of these storms. Hurricanes are associated with high wind speeds, torrential rains, storm surges and in most cases lead to flooding. Many times, these disasters catch people and communities unprepared thus exposing them to more chances of getting injured, losing their lives or even being financially strapped.

The first aim of hurricane preparation is to protect the lives of the people that reside in the affected region. Clearly, one can prevent certain dangers that are associated with hurricanes; for instance, closing doors and windows to protect homes and drawing up an evacuation plan to enhance one’s chances of survival. Preparation also assists in controlling cases of property damage which is always time consuming and expensive to take care of.

Some of the most important activities when preparing for hurricanes include the following:

Hurricane preparedness requires a set of activities that help to reduce vulnerability of life and property to the effects of hurricanes. Such steps include development of an emergency plan, stockpiling of basic necessities, making homes safer and being aware of weather conditions.

Developing an emergency plan is the first thing that has to be done when trying to prepare for a hurricane. They should elaborate on the course of action to be taken, especially escape pathways, assembly areas and phone numbers of relatives and other essential services.

Acquiring food and other necessary commodities are also other preventive measures that have to be taken during preparation of hurricanes. All the essential items which are necessary for surviving in any sort of disaster should be in each and every emergency kit such as non-perishable foods and water, prescribed medications, first aid kits, flashlights with batteries and copies of important documents such as identification cards. You can click the link: to learn more.

These should ideally include, but not be limited to at least three day’s supply per family member and pet. Also, people should refuel their vehicles because electric power as well as the machines that dispense cash, such as ATMs and credit card machines might not be available during the power outage.

Homes should therefore be made stronger as one of the ways of reducing the impact of a hurricane on property. These are measures such as fitting storm shutters or covering the windows, securing doors, and fortifying garage doors.

People should ensure that their roofs are in good condition and if there is any problem with any of them it should be fixed, other movable items in the yards like the patios and garden tools should be moved indoors or tied down. Also, proper maintenance of trees such as pruning can help in minimizing or preventing falling branches and such.

This is an important aspect especially for those who wish to prepare adequately for a hurricane and its subsequent effects. People must be informed of physical events happening in their locality and those that can be obtained from the National Hurricane Centre and other bodies. One must follow orders and other warnings such as evacuation sensitively so that all the members in the house could be safe.

The Principal Information on Preparations for Disaster by the Government and the Community

However, there is the preparation by individuals and communities together with active participation of the government as other vital fundamental aspects of disaster preparedness. Disaster management belongs to the local government or agencies, which is in charge of supporting and coordinating the disaster operations and managing the public safety aspects.


Public enlightenment or awareness creating programs and exercises including community awareness activities like dramas and diction exercises assist in familiarizing the residents with necessary actions to be taken in the occurrence of a hurricane. Such practices may involve providing details such as exit paths and structures, shelters, and emergency phone numbers.

Bureaus at the local, state, and federal levels are an important component of disaster planning and planning for recovery. They are tasked with the duties of outlining emergency plans and evacuation procedures as well as supporting affected population needs during disaster incidences. Government relief agencies such as FEMA for instance provide financial support, disaster assistance and recovery services to enable those affected to nurse their homes back to normal after a hurricane disaster.

Other physical forms of development include constructions of Levees, seawalls, and flood control systems which help control floods during hurricanes. Governments have to incorporate strong infrastructure to guard the population and the property from storm surges and floods. Also, the use of the building codes and the land-use regulation should be implemented to ensure the fresh constructions are able to withstand the hurricane force wind and other risks.

Therefore, hurricane preparedness is an essential process of protecting lives and property from the destructive effects of hurricanes. You should ask your questions about hurricanesahead of time to be prepared. Measures that can be adopted may include developing an emergency plan, ensuring the availability of basic supplies, enhancing homes, and being informed may help in lessening the chances of getting injured or losses.

In conclusion, it is imperative to stress that hurricane prevention must not be a one-time affair only, and merely be a yearly procedure. Since the probabilities of hurricanes are on the rise because of climate change it is only wise to prepare for its impact on life and property.

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