A common dream for every individual is to have a home of their own. To achieve this, individuals turn to home loans as they support financial funding for purchasing a dwelling. A home loan is a reliable option as it assists in fund accumulation and even helps one to save tax. It often happens that after availing of the loan, one realises that the home loan interest rate they are paying is higher when compared to other lenders in the market. In this situation, a rescue solution they can opt for is refinancing the existing home loan.
In this blog, we will understand what a home loan interest rate is, why lower interest rates are beneficial, and how refinancing a home loan is a viable option.
What is a Home Loan Interest Rate?
It is important to understand the concept of a home loan interest rate. A financial institution sets the rates on a loan, which determines how much interest a homeowner has to pay on the borrowed loan amount. An interest rate can vary depending on various factors, such as the borrower’s creditworthiness, the prevailing economic conditions, and the overall interest rate environment. If the home loan interest rate is lower, then it can help an individual manage other expenses with ease.
Advantages of Lower Home Loan Interest Rates
A lower home loan interest rate can help homeowners in many ways. Given below are some advantages of the same:
- Reduced Monthly Payments: One of the most concrete and immediate benefits of a lower home loan interest rate is the reduction of monthly loan repayments. Borrowers can experience remarkable savings on their monthly budget and even have free funds to cover other expenses.
- Cost Savings Over the Loan Term: A lower home interest rate means reduced overall interest payments over the whole tenure of the loan. It saves considerable amounts on interest costs and contributes to long-term financial stability.
- Increased Affordability: More individuals can opt for a home loan if the interest rates are on the lower side of the scale. It can stimulate the real estate market by encouraging more individuals to avail themselves of home loans and fulfil their dream of having a lovely abode.
- Faster Equity Building: A larger portion of each EMI goes towards the principal amount of the loan if the home loan interest rate is lower. It also helps in the process of building equity in a home and adding a layer of financial security.
- Improved Cash Flow: One can easily save more funds for other financial requirements such as emergencies, other investments, and future goals with a lower home loan interest rate. It positively impacts the cash flow of the borrower.
- Opportunity for Debt Consolidation: A lower home loan interest rate helps in the consolidation of other debts, such as credit card balances, into their EMIs. It simplifies debt management and lowers overall interest payments.
- Flexible Financial Planning and Economic Growth: Individuals can save more funds for their retirement savings, children’s education, and other needs with the help of a lower home loan interest rate. It also helps increase homeownership, reduce financial burdens, and eventually contribute to economic growth.
- Improved Refinancing Opportunities: Lower home loan interest rates can attract individuals to opt for refinancing and save more funds for other financial requirements.
The Decision to Refinance a Home Loan
Refinancing a home loan involves the process of getting a new home loan to pay off the existing loan. Borrowers can consider this opportunity to secure a new home loan with lower interest rates and save money in the long run. However, the viability of refinancing a home loan depends on the following factors:
- Current Interest Rates: The primary motivation behind refinancing is the possibility of securing a lower home loan interest rate. It is a wise decision to refinance the existing loan if there has been a notable drop in interest rates since the original loan was acquired.
- Loan Term: It provides the opportunity to change the loan term by refinancing a home loan. One can extend the loan term and pay low EMIs, or one can shorten the term and save more funds on interest payments.
- Credit Score: A borrower’s credit score plays an important role in determining the interest rates they qualify for. An improved credit score can make one eligible to opt for a refinancing option with a lower home loan interest rate.
- Equity in the Home: Lenders often look at the homeowner’s equity. The difference between a home’s market value and outstanding loan balance is known as homeowner equity. The chances of securing a favourable refinancing option increase with a higher equity position.
Save More with a Lower Home Loan Interest Rate
Making financial decisions requires a proper evaluation of present and future financial conditions. Moreover, buying a home loan requires adequate planning and fund estimation. In case your existing home loan is creating an imbalance in your daily expenses and affecting your savings, you can opt for refinancing as a feasible option.
Refinancing existing loans helps in getting a home loan with lower interest rates, which will eventually help in accumulating more funds by paying lower EMIs. If you are also thinking of refinancing, then you can go to lenders such as Tata Capital. They offer home loans with lower interest rates and affordable EMIs that are suitable for a wide range of people. Start saving extra by refinancing your home loan now.